The ever- changing colours and shapes of the Aberdeenshire landscape is an important source of inspiration for Haxworth.
Hetty's inspiration lies in the sense of space, light and movement. Borrowing from her previous experiences in textile design, through her involvement with the Oxford Print Studio and studying at Glasgow School of Art, her abstract ideas and experimentations are visualised through monoprints, screen prints and painted relief on wood.
Capturing a moment in time with the use of colour, Hetty likes to play with the idea of light and shadow across landscapes. The ever-changing coloursand shapes of the Aberdeenshire landscape are of great importance to her. Observing the deep russets of trees in autumn, the yellows of spring, the white blues of the snow-covered earth in winter and ice formations on the surface of a lake near her studio, the abstract nature of her work provides a certain sense of ambiguity.